All the services are conducted at the Grapevine Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas. Lord’s Day morning services are conducted at all area congregations. Consult your church directory for more details.
About Our Congregation
Fossil Creek Church of Christ
3517 N. Beach Street
Ft. Worth, Texas 76111
Times of Worship
Sundays 10am | 2pm* *1:30pm during Gospel Meetings
NOTE: No Sunday afternoon services during the Labor Day meeting
Wednesdays 7:30pm
Spanish Speaking Congregation / Worship
Sundays 3:30pm
Website: FossilCreek.org
Email: FossilCreekChurchOfChrist [at] Gmail [dot] com
We strive to follow the New Testament pattern in all of our work and worship.
We hope you’ll visit and worship with us. We encourage you to read the series of articles about the New Testament Church. All of our worship is based on following the New Testament.
Here’s what you can expect:
• We’ll do our best to make you feel comfortable.
• The worship is conducted decently and in order. You won’t see or hear any pomp or fancy ceremony. You’ll be perfectly fine to sit quietly throughout every part of our service.
• All of our music is Acappella. You won’t see or hear any instruments. We have congregational singing. There is no choir. We all sing. You may feel comfortable participating or not. You shouldn’t feel uneasy whatever you decide.
• You’ll hear a few prayers offered during the worship. Each will be offered through the name of Jesus, our mediator.
• You’ll hear one man speak at a time in English. A Spanish speaking congregation does meet in our building at 3:30pm each Sunday. We encourage you to attend that service if you are a native Spanish speaker. At most worship services only one man speaks, delivering a sermon from God’s Word. Sometimes, we may have two speakers, but only one man speaks at a time.
• Each Sunday morning we observe the Lord’s Supper just as the church you read about in the New Testament did. This part of the worship is only for members of the Church. You should not participate if you’re not a member, but you shouldn’t feel uncomfortable either. Everyone remains seated during this part of the service so you won’t be put in any kind of uncomfortable position. You can simply pass the bread or the cup to the person seated next to you, or hand it back to the men who help pass it through out the congregation. We use one piece of unleavened bread and one cup filled with “fruit of the vine” or unfermented grape juice.
• Each Sunday morning we observe the contribution just as the New Testament church did. This, too, is only intended for members of the Church. If you’re not a member, you shouldn’t feel any obligation to participate. This is an act of worship and a responsibility of the members of the Lord’s Church.
• At the conclusion of the sermon delivered at each service you’ll notice an invitation is offered to anyone desiring to obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ. On the home page you’ll find what the Bible says we must all do in order to be saved from our sins. During this invitation, everybody who desires stands while we sing a song. Those who desire to obey the Gospel come forward during that song.
• We begin and end each service with a prayer. At the conclusion of each worship a prayer dismisses us. Sunday morning services are typically just under 90 minutes and other services are about an hour.
• Near the entrance to our building is a floor standing rack of printed material. That material is completely free. We encourage visitors to check that area and take home anything they’d like to study further. Additionally, we stand ready to study the Scriptures with those who want to learn more about God’s Word.
We look forward to seeing you at a worship service soon!
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